Update: October 25, 2018
Cancellation Notice
Updated: October 12, 2018
Answers to Questions
The Judicial Council seeks proposals from firms to provide the services of qualified, properly licensed Vertical Transportation System Consultants with expertise in all phases of elevator repair, replacement and modernization of public buildings. It is anticipated that selected firms will provide assessment, design, and administrative services.
Proposals must be delivered by the due date specified in the RFP to:
Judicial Council of California
Attn: Lenore Fraga-Roberts
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
Further details regarding the submission requirements of the Proposals, and attachments thereto, are set forth in the RFP. The RFP and related attachments are posted to this webpage. Firms are advised to check this RFP webpage on a regular basis for any updates to the RFP language or change to the Timeline.
Attachment A – Administrative Rules Governing Request for Proposals
Attachment B – Hourly Rates Form
Attachment C – Qualifications Questionnaire
Attachment D – Sample ID/IQ Agreement
Attachment E – Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
Attachment F – Payee Data Record
Attachment H – General Certifications Form
Attachment I – Darfur Certification Form
Attachment J – Unruh Civil Rights Act & CA Fair Employment & Housing Act Certification
The Judicial Council, as a public entity, prohibits direct contact with any Council personnel during the solicitation process in order to maintain fairness and equality to all proposers. Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are related to the solicitation at any time between release of the solicitation and any award and execution of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s proposal.