Request for Proposal

Phoenix Program: Statewide Human Resources and Financial System Upgrade and Other Services

  • Status
  • Archived


RFP 010708-NCRO

The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) is conducting this Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit proposals that will provide the AOC with a statewide human resources and financial system. This system (also referred to as the Phoenix Program), with the same core configuration for all 58 Trial Courts of California, will provide the AOC with unified reporting capabilities for all aspects of Trial Court administrative functions.

The Phoenix Program RFP bid package includes:

  • Program Phoenix RFP (including all Appendices)
  • Bidder’s Library (includes confidential information which will require a submittal of a signed Confidentiality Agreement (see RFP Section 1.9.2))

Responses to this RFP will be evaluated in accordance with the methodology defined in RFP Section IX, Proposal Evaluation.

A Bidder’s Conference is mandatory; see Section 1.8, RFP Key Action Dates.

Proposal submittal dates are also noted in Section 1.8, RFP Key Action Dates.

Further details regarding solicitation requirements are set forth in the following RFP documents:

Cover Sheet

DOC Format (233 KB) | PDF Format (63 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Section I – Introduction

DOC Format (163 KB) | PDF Format (122 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Section II – Rules Governing Competition

DOC Format (90 KB) | PDF Format (79 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Section III – Current Environment

DOC Format (4027 KB) | PDF Format (981 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Section IV – Proposed Future Environment

DOC Format (1815 KB) | PDF Format (429 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Section V – Administrative Requirements

DOC Format (73 KB) | PDF Format (40 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Section VI – Proposed Solution Requirements

DOC Format (241 KB) | PDF Format (159 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Section VII – Pricing Proposal

DOC Format (115 KB) | PDF Format (73 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Section VIII – Proposal Format

DOC Format (64 KB) | PDF Format (42 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Section IX – Proposal Evaluation

DOC Format (139 KB) | PDF Format (81 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix A – Statement of Work (SOW)

DOC Format (291 KB) | PDF Format (149 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix B-01 – Technical Requirements

XLS Format (108 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix B-02 – Implementation and Support Requirements

DOC Format (905 KB) | PDF Format (430 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix B-03 – Upgrade Project Requirements

XLS Format (325 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix B-03 – Optional Existing Functionality Requirements

XLS Format (46 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix B-03 – Optional New Functionality

XLS Format (502 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix C – Bid Response Forms

DOC Format (446 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)
(See revised version posted below on January 31, 2008.)

Appendix D – Cost Workbook

XLS Format (381 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix E – Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements, and Forms (RICEF)

XLS Format (350 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix F – Bidders Library Contents List

DOC Format (137 KB) | PDF Format (63 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix G – Glossary

DOC Format (313 KB) | PDF Format (110 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)

Appendix H – Master Services Agreement (MSA)
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

DOC Format (576 KB)
(Posted: January 11, 2008)
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

Addendum 1

DOC Format (204 KB) | PDF Format (75 KB)
(Posted: January 23, 2008)

AOC Response to Bidder Questions
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

XLS Format (45 KB) | PDF Format (13 KB)
(Posted: January 23, 2008)
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

Appendix C, Bid Response Forms, Revision 1

DOC Format (444 KB)
(Posted: January 23, 2008)
(See revised version posted below on January 31, 2008.)

Bidders Conference Attendee List

DOC Format (62 KB) | PDF Format (40 KB)
(Posted: January 23, 2008)

Appendix H - Master Service Agreement (MSA), Revision 1
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

DOC Format (573 KB)
(Posted: January 25, 2008)
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

Addendum 2

DOC Format (188 KB) | PDF Format (69 KB)
(Posted: January 31, 2008)

AOC Response to Bidder Questions, Revision 1
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

XLS Format (62 KB) | PDF Format (62 KB)
(Posted: January 31, 2008)
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

Appendix C - Bid Response Forms, Revision 2

DOC Format (442 KB)
(Posted: January 31, 2008)

Bidder Library Files noted in Addendum 2

Roadmap for PS Enhancement Areas in SAP ERP 6.0
PDF Format (191 KB)
(Posted: January 31, 2008)

SAP ERP 6.0 Roadmap for Public Service Customers
PDF Format (185 KB)
(Posted: January 31, 2008)

Addendum 3

DOC Format (160 KB) | PDF Format (50 KB)
(Posted: February 1, 2008)

Addendum 4

DOC Format (150 KB) | PDF Format (49 KB)
(Posted: February 6, 2008)

AOC Response to Bidder Questions, Revision 2
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

XLS Format (106 KB) | PDF Format (46 KB)
(Posted: February 6, 2008)
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

Addendum 5

DOC Format (159 KB) | PDF Format (58 KB)
(Posted: February 11, 2008)

AOC Response to Bidder Questions, Revision 3
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

XLS Format (122 KB) | PDF Format (61 KB)
(Posted: February 11, 2008)
(See revised version posted below on February 13, 2008)

Bidder Library Files noted in Addendum 5

Phoenix Courses - PDF Format (10 KB)
Februrary-Training-Announcement-2008 - PDF Format (60 KB)
AP-Phoenix 012408 - PDF Format (3.6 MB)
(Posted: February 11, 2008)

Addendum 6

DOC Format (174 KB) | PDF Format (52 KB)
(Posted: February 13, 2008)

AOC Response to Bidder Questions, Revision 4

XLS Format (120 KB) | PDF Format (54 KB)
(Posted: February 13, 2008)

Appendix H - Master Services Agreement (MSA) - Revision 2

DOC Format (626 KB)
(Posted: February 13, 200



The Judicial Council, as a public entity, prohibits direct contact with any Council personnel during the solicitation process in order to maintain fairness and equality to all proposers. Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants for meetings, conferences, or discussions that are related to the solicitation at any time between release of the solicitation and any award and execution of a contract. Unauthorized contact with any judicial branch entity personnel or consultants may be cause for rejection of the Proposer’s proposal.