Collaborative Justice Courts


Collaborative justice courts-also known as problem-solving courts- combine judicial supervision with rehabilitation services that are rigorously monitored and focused on recovery to reduce recidivism and improve offender outcomes.

Examples of collaborative justice courts are community courts, drug courts, DUI courts, homeless courts, mental health courts, reentry courts, veterans courts, and courts where the defendant may be a minor or where the child's welfare is at issue. These include dating/youth domestic violence courts, drug courts, DUI court in schools programs, mental health courts, and peer/youth courts.

Monterey County's DUI Treatment Court

The Superior Court of Monterey County operates a Driving Under the Influence Treatment Court offering high-risk offenders the option of rehabilitation instead of incarceration.


Center for Families, Children & the Courts
Collaborative Justice
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 6th Floor
San Francisco, California 94102
